In the unlikely event that an issue occurs with your device after it has been repaired, we are here to help. We have designed your 6 month warranty with you in mind.
We offer a 6 month warranty with every repair that we carry out. Our warranty applies to the part(s) replaced, and the workmanship of our staff. The warranty covers you in the unlikely event that a part(s) we have installed are not functioning as expected, or any other issues related to the repair carried out. The warranty becomes void for liquid damaged devices, or if the device has been physically/cosmetically damaged since the repair.
Liquid Damage
Liquid damage is defined as a device that has been exposed to moisture or liquid, resulting in potential damage to its internal components. Liquid damage can impair the phone's functionality. Liquid damage will void your warranty. The majority of devices come with liquid damage indicators, which are originally white but turn red if they come into contact with liquid/moisture. Your device may also have visible signs of internal corrosion or residue. Our staff use these indicators to know whether or not the device has taken liquid damage. If your device is found to be liquid damaged, our technician will inform you and explain that the warranty is void for this device, and can show evidence of the liquid damage on request.
Physical/Cosmetic Damage
Physical damage is defined as any mishandling of the device which causes subsequent visible damage to the external parts of the device, such as the casing, screen or buttons. This can include but is not limited to cracks, deep scratches, scuffs or dents, bent frame. Rough handling of your delicate device can potentially lead to internal issues, and physical/cosmetic damage is evidence of rough handling. Physical/cosmetic damage may void your warranty.
Find the full details of our warranty in our Terms of Sale. If you require any further assistance regarding any warranty related matters, please do not hesitate to contact us and a member of staff will be happy to assist you.